Helping people find and create POWERFULLY ALIGNED



I used to think that it would just happen. I would meet my person, fall in love, and the rest would be easy.

While that does happen for some people, it’s generally not the case for most.

And even if you do find your perfect match, it’s not always easy to maintain the connection when communication breaks down and your personal needs and desires shift.

Relationship and dating skills aren’t taught in school, but they can be learned.

Effective communication tools and dating strategies are the tip of the iceberg, while authentic relating from a place of self awareness and wholeness will support you in creating a powerful experience of intimacy and connection that you might only dream of.


Relationship & Coaching

How many times have you fallen into a relationship because someone chose you? 

You meet, there’s an attraction, and suddenly you find yourself vying for their attention and affection, without being really sure that this person is right for you. 

When it comes to romantic connections we often lead from our heart, having been conditioned by notions like “love at first sight,” “when you know you know,” and “we were meant to be.” 

Of course powerful soul connections are possible and sometimes people just fall in love and know they are meant to be together, but unless you are stagnant in your personal & spiritual growth, there will still be challenges that are here to help you expand. 

What might it be like to know the conditions that would support you to thrive in your relationships? 

If you were to get crystal clear on your relationship requirements, standards, boundaries, and desires, how might that change the way you choose the poeple you want to be with or show up in the relationships you are currently in? 

Navigating the landscape of both our inner world and how we connect with others in our outer world is a huge territory that encompasses the realms of pleasure, passion, and desire, as well as the realms of shadow, wounding, and toxic turn-on. 

There’s more to the story than just knowing your love languages and having a checklist of what you want in a partner. The deeper you know yourself in the hidden territory of your subconcsious patterning and most authentic expression, the more intimate and juicy your connections can be. 

I’d like to take you on the journey to knowing yourself more deeply and aligning with the relationship that will fullfill your deepest desires and inspire your greatest expression in this lifetime.